For more than three-quarters of a millennium, our church here in Aldenham has resounded to the sound of hymns, psalms, and canticles. Music is an integral part of our worship, and we carry on an
Anglican musical tradition which is increasingly rare in the wider Church.
Directed by our Organist, the Church Choir is a small but dedicated group of singers who lead and support the congregation and clergy in this musical tradition. We have welcomed a number of new members to our ranks, but to allow us to expand our repertoire and to support every service fully, we still need to grow.
If you have previous experience singing in a choir, church or otherwise, and if you enjoy singing and would like to support our musical tradition, we would very much welcome you. We practise on Fridays at 7:30pm at the church in preparation for the regular Sunday morning and evening sung services, as well as for special services on occasion. Why not come along and find out more?
We would be pleased to get in touch and discuss what is involved. If you would like us to contact you, please click here.
We are blessed with a fabulous Harrison & Harrison organ which further enhances our services and other events with a rich and filling sound. The organ is well rated in the area and used for practice by visiting organists and students. We also have a Bechstein grand piano and a keyboard in the church and another smaller grand piano and keyboard in the church room so there are plenty of musical opportunities here!