
Please download the latest news from the links below.
The Pew Sheet is weekly and gives the order of service in church, the link for the recorded service and other current news items.
The Newsletter is published every 4 months and contains more details about what is happening at the church and the surrounding area.
Join our email list to receive these in your inbox! Fill in the ‘Subscribe’ box on the right.
If you would like copies of any previous editions emailed to you, please make an enquiry.

Aldenham Newsletter March 2024
Aldenham Newsletter August 2024

Pew Sheet 2 March 2025
Pew Sheet 9 March 2025

Parking for the Sunday morning service is available in the Social Club Car Park.
BLUE BADGE HOLDERS ONLY in the small area outside the church please.

Sunday school is open for children from 2-12 years old on the first Sunday in the month. Leaving church during the first hymn to go into the church room and then re-join the congregation at the Communion when they can receive a Blessing at the altar.
Each month our team offers ways for children to get to know about one of the readings and to explore how it relates to their everyday lives. To support this it provides songs, prayers, activities and games for children.

ALL WELCOME  Next Sunday School will be this Sunday April 6th  at 10.30.

The annual Parochial Church Council Meeting and Annual General meeting will take place on Sunday April 27th 2025 at 12.00noon in church, after the morning service.

The next concert is SATURDAY April 5th.
Refreshments from 10.30, Concert at 11.30 for around 1 hour
with Saxophonist Stuart Sidders and friends with proceeds shared between the church and MacMillan Cancer Support.
You can download the programme for future concerts here:
Concert Programme Flier 25

As you know with Robert’s retirement earlier last year, Aldenham is now in ‘Vacancy’.  The search for a new priest has been progressing and the Advertisement has appeared in the Church Times and Diocesan Websites.  This will be followed by shortlisting and interviews this month.
The Church Profile , put together by the PCC has been approved by Bishop Jane and Archdeacon Charles; likewise the advertisement currently appearing in the Church Times.  They can both be seen on these links:
Profile 2024 (3)
Church Times approved advertisement

Repair and renewal of the boundary wall.
The boundary wall adjacent to the road is in a very poor state of repair with sections about to collapse.  The estimate for it’s refurbishment is around £30,000 and involves the repointing of it all on both sides and rebuilding of some sections.  We have been successful in obtaining a grant of £15,000 towards the cost of this and again your generosity has covered some of the extra cost but not all.  The work won’t be carried out until the Spring so we have a little more time yet to recoup the cost.

Streaming our Sunday morning service
Our 10.30 Sunday service is streamed live and remains available for at least 2 weeks on a YouTube link.
This is sent to the Electoral Roll and those that have signed up for regular information. If you would like to join us as well, please sign up for this link using the form opposite or email us.

Mission Action Plan 2023 – 2026
The Mission Action Plan (MAP) which many of you contributed has now been finalised and approved by the PCC and can be accessed here!
Mission Action Plan 2023

Money for nothing!
See page 15 of the latest newsletter (above) for a way to earn money for the church without it costing you anything other than a few extra clicks.  It really does work and is completely safe!
With you really can get ‘Money for Nothing’ which will greatly benefit the heating fund and other projects.